Explore your Social Circle, improve your Research

If you have a Twitter account and want to register in Grabeeter (or already have), you can now try out and take part in the evaluation of the “Researcher Affinity Browser“. Grabeeter is a tool to archive and search your tweets. The Researcher Affinity Browser is one of the first to expose affinities between Twitter users and is the first web application built on top of a semantic profiling framework. It is intended for researchers who are using Twitter for microblogging and are tweeting about their research, their interests or the conferences they are attending or tracking.

Researcher Affinity Browser

Researcher Affinity Browser

The semantic profiling framework grew throughout this year as my thesis project and information about the evolutions is presented here on this blog.

So if you are a researcher and are using Twitter, you are most welcome to explore people who have already registered themselves in Grabeeter. You can register from inside the application or here. After registration you have to wait a few hours before your data is analysed and suggestions can be made for you. Once you are registered you can start exploring people by selecting your username.
Important Notes

1. You can evaluate the application by filling out the form that can be accessed by clicking on the “Evaluate”-button inside the application or by using this form.

2. You can also evaluate the application with a default user if you feel uncomfortable or don’t want to wait for your data to be analyzed. Just click the Load Persons button without selecting a user in the list. The default user is selected because it has the most conferences.